Grammar of Grace

(8 customer reviews)


Core Curriculum, for ages 5-13.  Teaches Bible, literature, language arts, history, and intoductory Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

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Note:  If the homeschooling parent does not already have a basic knowledge of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, it is recommended that you also purchase the Grammar of Grace Foreign Language audio CDs.


Rethinking the Content and the Method of Modern Education.

Grammar of Grace is a breath of fresh air in the education world.  It rejects the content and the method of modern education, and gives an ancient approach new life in a curriculum fit for Christian homeschooling parents of the 21st century.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.  And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart.  And thou shalt rehearse them continually unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou tarriest in thine house, and as thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.  Deuteronomy 6:6-7

There is a perfect harmony between this biblical command and the classical Trivium.  The Trivium was the education method used by the Reformers and early Americans—when Christians made biblical literacy a chief aim for all people.  This focus led to an explosion of literacy, learning, and the spread of the Gospel, unparalleled in world history.

Thus saith the Lord, Stand in the ways and behold, and ask for the old way, which is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.  Jeremiah 6:16

Grammar of Grace seeks to return to that high point in Christian education, and offers a practical curriculum for homeschooling parents to that end.  Its foundation is unapologetically the Word of God, along with History, Literature, and an introduction to Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

Daily memory work and Bible reading are the core of this old-fashioned curriculum, and siblings study the same topics together in the style of a one-room schoolhouse.  Children will thrive in a routine free from worksheets and textbooks, and parents will be absolutely amazed by what their children can learn—and enjoy learning!

Grammar of Grace is truly a revolution in elementary education.

Grammar of Grace Core Curriculum, for ages 5-13.  For ages 5-8, all parents need to use is this core curriculum, a phonics text, and a Bible.  Grammar of Grace teaches Bible, literature, language arts, history, and intoductory Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.  It contains weekly memory lessons to be practiced each day, daily Bible reading assignments, copywork, and complete instructions for Christian grammar school-style education for these ages.  Extras include Teacher’s Guides for Latin, Greek, and Hebrew; detailed instructions for implementing the classical approach to Arithmetic at this age; and more.

Note:  If the homeschooling parent does not already have a basic knowledge of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, it is recommended that you also purchase the Grammar of Grace Foreign Language audio CDs.

ISBN: 9781733236119

Coil binding, 248 pages.

Download Sample:  Grammar-of-Grace_LOOK-INSIDE

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Sturdy Edition, Standard coil binding

8 reviews for Grammar of Grace

  1. Theresa

    A few years ago when I was researching homeschool curriculums to use with my children I found Grammar of Grace. I was immediately blessed by the testimony of Robin & her husband & why they chose to write this curriculum. It really touched at the heart of what I wanted for my children, to have an education based on the truth of Gods word. I read through everything on their website and knew I just had to try it. Being new to homeschooling I was a bit intimidated at first, wondering if I could do it. We are now in our 3rd year, cycle 3, & I am so thankful the Lord blessed us with this curriculum through the Van Ecks.
    It’s amazing how well it works & how well the children respond to it & are able to memorize. I feel so blessed & thankful for the way it helps me give my children a foundation & the tools to hide God’s word in their hearts, the most important thing in this life we could give them, the absolute truth.
    Thank you very much for this resource!

  2. Mariah Wilcox (verified owner)

    This curriculum is a great tool for teaching children from a true Christian perspective. So much scripture is memorized and as a result, I can see the fruit of that in my children. It is amazing how much they remember and apply in daily life. And I am learning and memorizing too! Everything is centered on the word of God, unlike other curriculums that only sprinkle it in. I’m thankful!

  3. Han Barnes (verified owner)

    We are currently on cycle 2 now and we totally love it! I am so glad we can find a memorization curriculum that is truly classical and centered around biblical knowledge and scriptures. I don’t have to plan my own memorization schedule and the curriculum offers a lot more than I could ever gather myself! We memorize every scripture and catechism questions, as well as the foreign languages. Love learning scriptures in different languages. We also sing the hymns – great selection as well. We don’t follow the history timeline though because the kids just get too tired after all other memorization and I am not creative enough to come up with a nice melody for the history timelines. But overall, this is the go to everyday after we finish our breakfast. We used to use CC or Claritas for memorization, but once we found out Grammar of Grace, just cannot not switch!

  4. K (verified owner)

    I am from N.Ireland and I discovered and purchased GOG after much searching for a sound and accurate bible based curriculum for my children. I have not been disappointed. The advice on how to get the children to memorize scripture has been very successful with us. The timelines are very well researched. I thought the catechism was great for children. The joy of learning biblical Greek and Hebrew and Latin has been most challenging to me and a joy to watch as the children learn with ease. There is so much to this curriculum which is helpful as it keeps us busy. If scripture and sound doctrine is of great importance to you as a Christian and you want this in your homeschooling life too then GOG will certainly help you achieve that

  5. L West (verified owner)

    I stumbled on this curriculum when researching homeschool curriculums and fell in love with it. My husband and I were impressed with its focus on learning God’s Word and not just on what the academic world thinks one should know. We are in our third year of using it. We find ourselves using the history quotes, Bible passages, etc. often in our parenting throughout the day. The Scripture based catechism is great. I do teach the verses in our preferred translation although sometimes my 6 year old son asks to learn them using the "old fashioned" words. He often asks question about about the history quotes and wants to dig deeper into their meanings. Our family enjoys learning new hymns and our son belts them out all day long. This curriculum also gives a foundation for learning Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Dutch. We are hoping to spend more time in those languages as the years pass.

  6. Jennifer P

    I came across Grammar of Grace through a vendor fair at a virtual homeschool summit. I was immediately intrigued and began reading Robyn’s approach to classical education. She took the kind of education I wanted for my children and made it a reality…plus there is more there than I had even thought about. I had been using another curriculum for years and had never seen anything that caused me to second guess my choice until GoG. The other curriculum is still great, but the simplicity of Grammar of grace makes it much more doable, and the children are not just learning a biblical worldview (which the other curriculum has) but also memorizing MUCH more scripture. All 4 of my children from 14 down to 4 do the memory work. It is a regular occurrence that they hear the verses quoted in a sermon or by a family friend and their eyes will light up “Mom! It’s from memory work!” I also see the fruit of the hard work when we are able to use what we are learning in our everyday lives and conversations as we seek to grow in sanctification and honor the Lord.
    In addition, Robyn’s perspective on math has really freed me to relax and have more time for very important character training instead of fighting over math worksheets!
    We are on cycle 2 now and I am so thankful!

  7. Heidi

    The Core Curriculum guide is literally a gold mine. There is a lot of helpful reading for the parent/teacher which thoroughly explains the method and philosophy of a Traditional Classical Education. I honestly overlooked Grammar of Grace several years ago because I didn’t understand the philosophy of classical. As the years went on I realized that I was hodgepodging a classical education, haha. We had Bible time, but the education wasn’t saturated with Christ. Since starting with Grammar of Grace this year, it’s Christ all day. We’re hooked. All my kids love it, even the toddler!

  8. Christina Villegas

    My unwavering stance as a new converted Christian was that we would use God’s Word "The Bible" as our only resource for teaching all subject. After all, God’s wisdom in his word is sufficient.

    The Lord faithfully guided our family to the vanEck family and then to Grammar of Grace and by His infinite grace alone he has also guided my daughters (currently ages 7-12) and I through the completion of all 4 cycles of this very wonderful biblically sound curriculum. We are now on our 2nd time around, working on Cycle 4 Memory work for long term memory retention! GOG is unlike other labeled "Chrisitan Curriculum" that I have encountered, it was God’s answer to my desperate call for help and His will for our family in regard to homeschooling! It is a wonderful supplement, as I have found it to remain faithful to the infallible word of God.
    Soli Deo Gloria!
    (The Grace of God Alone)

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